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Another Portland Runaway

A girl from Boulder, CO got bored, packed her books, and moved to Portland where the hippies roam. I like a lot of things and dislike a lot of things.... I'm just me

No More Shades of Grey....puhlease...


I was a child when the first three books came out; a college student who was recommended these books. I went through a breakup and needed love to raise my spirits. At first I thought they were ok, not great, but both my mom and sister GUSHED over them which I firmly believe influenced my thought process on these. I actually decided to read them again years & years later because I was curious...how would I change. 

When you live through an abusive relationship you see things differently. Having experienced emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of someone I loved wasn't cute or romantic. Having someone tell me I couldn't see my friends anymore because he didn't like them and I was with him now so his friends were my friends wasn't a rom-com. Having your self-esteem and personality chipped away because your partner is a jealous and emotionally withdrawn monster isn't my idea of a happily ever after. 

What saddens me most is that it took me living through things Christian Grey did to Ana in my own real life to understand just how truly awful these books are. I would highly recommend people stop buying in to these books (and now movies) as they perpetuate a line of thinking that is very unhealthy for women. What is represented in these books is NOT OK and never will be.